County to Purchase Golf Course Property in San Geronimo

The County of Marin has authorized the purchase of the former San Geronimo Golf Course on November 14, 2017 with Resolution No. 2017-126.

Marin County’s acquisition of this golf course would be extremely beneficial to the upper watershed of Lagunitas Creek and would increase the potential for protection and restoration of endangered coho salmon and threatened steelhead trout habitats.[1]

An indirect benefit of enhancing creek and floodplain habitats is the capture of sediments, particles, and pollutants, which improves downstream water quality. The end of pesticide and insecticide use on this property will also have air and water quality benefits. The estimated water savings (49 million gallons of municipal water) are significant, as grass is highly water intensive.

By improving the riparian habitat, the health and numbers of migratory birds and other native wildlife will likely improve. The additional tree plantings which will result as part of the restoration efforts will help to combat climate change by sequestering carbon.

EAC strongly supports the acquisition of this property and future conversion to open space and habitat restoration.

[1] The property acquisition and resulting restoration within the Lagunitas Creek watershed has been identified by the National Marine Fisheries Service as a high priority for the recovery of the critically endangered coho salmon.